NN5 監禁隷嬢 秘密工作員 奈菜 Part1

- NN5 Secret Agent Nana Trapped Part1 -
Starring  赤坂 奈菜 - Nana Akasaka -

  アダルト動画 DUGA -デュガ-

誘拐された女性を探して秘密工作員の奈菜は倉庫に忍び込みます。倉庫の床にはヨダレのシミが。。。「犯人はここにいるに違いない」と奈菜が思ったその時、 男が後ろから襲い掛かり奈菜の口にクロロホルムを染み込ませた布を押し当てます。
 抵抗もむなしく気を失ってしまった奈菜。気がつくと拘束台に縛り付けられ てしまい身動きすることができません。やがて奈菜の口に白い大きなラバー製のボールギャグが咬まされます。呻き声を漏らしながら拘束から逃れようとします が縄は全く緩みません。そこに二人の男達が近づき、口からとめどなく涎を流す奈菜の顔を見て楽しみます。髪をつかまれ顔を隠すこともできず、したたり落ち る涎の恥ずかしさに奈菜は苦悶し、ついには苦しさと悔しさで涙を流します。


High Quality - approx 2000 kbps - Cute Japanese young girl Nana tied and gagged in PVC suits and white long boots. She is captured by enemy and forced to drool copiously.

Japanese secret Agent Nana is seeking clues to k1dnapped girls. She has sneaked into suspect warehouse , found spots of saliva on the floor. But she doesn't know bad guy is hiding behind her, she is covered her face with a cloth immersed in chl0roform by bad guy.
She has found herself tied to strange device on the floor. She struggles to escape but her arms and legs are anchored securely to it. Then big rubber ball gag is jammed into her mouth and wrapped that strap on tight to keep the ball deep on her mouth.Soon Nana starts drooling behind the gag,she is feeling so ashamed , moans helplessly. Then two bad guys comes near to her,they grabs her hair and forces her face up to watch her drooling copiously. Nana is feeling so frustrated ,shaking her head and moaning hard. At last she stars tearing on her face , begging them let her go.

2000 kbps 720x540 in size shot with HDV camera
Running time 11minutes 15seconds.